Supervision Contract This is a supervision contract between Julia Donald (the supervisor) and (the supervisee) from until its review (or ending) on . What is supervision? We are agreed that supervision is a forum used by supervisees to reflect on all aspects of their clinical work, where they receive formal and informal feedback on that work and where the safety and welfare of clients and the quality of the service they receive is central. Practicalities: We agree to meet online over zoom for (duration) hours every (month/fortnight). This can be changed depending on the supervisee’s client load. Sessions cost £80 for one hour and £115 for 90 minutes. Any increase in session cost will be given with two months notice. Listening to recordings outside of the session will be charged at the same rate, for example marking a CTSr will cost £80 for the hour plus £40 for marking up the feedback. Procedures: We have agreed that the following arrangements will take place in the following situations: It is the responsibility of the supervisor to send out the zoom link for the meeting. If either the supervisor or the supervisee cannot attend a session they will let the other know as soon as possible. If the supervisee cancels with less than 24 hours notice or does not attend a supervision session then the full session fee will be payable. Where there are disagreements, disputes, conflict areas between supervisor/supervisee the supervisor will bring this to supervision of supervision. If there is need for extra supervision this can be discussed. Contracts with others. e.g. agency will be borne in mind. Keeping of supervisory notes: Both supervisor and supervisee will be free to write notes. The supervisor will keep their notes securely. Emergencies: You are free to phone me on the following number 07533312197 or email me at [email protected] and I will endeavor to get back to you as soon as possible. Guidelines: The following guidelines/ground rules will guide our time together: Supervision is a safe place for both the supervisor and the supervisee. As a supervisor it is my priority to create an encouraging and supportive environment allowing the supervisee to be open, honest and transparent about their work and any concerns. The supervisee will attend supervision prepared for the session and will manage the agenda for the supervision session. Should there be anything I would like to add to the agenda this will be discussed at the beginning of the session to decide when it is best to discuss it. Although it is encouraged to disclose any personal problems which may be affecting your work and to discuss them in supervision, as your supervisor I may advise you when I think you need more support and recommend discussing the issue in more detail with your own personal psychotherapist. Constructive feedback will be given to expand professional development. I (Julia Donald) am a member of the BABCP and I abide by their ethical framework. We both must have indemnity insurance for working with clients (or if the supervisee is in an agency then the agency covers the supervisee with their insurance.) Confidentiality: If issues are raised in supervision which concerns the supervisor for example unsafe or unethical practice by the supervisee or issues which concern harm to self or others brought by the client then these concerns will be discussed with the supervisee. If the concerns persist and are of a serious nature I (the supervisor) may be required to advise the supervisee’s placement or course lead if a student or their accrediting body. Consent Requirements Signed by the Supervisee Please draw your signature below inside the dotted box. Client Full Name Printed: Date: