The next time you are rejected don’t internalise it. Yes it is hurtful but take it for what it is – a no for right now. It doesn’t reflect negatively on you. It doesn’t mean you aren’t good enough. It doesn’t mean you aren’t as worthy. It’s just not your time.

But you tried!

That deserves respect!

It takes courage to put yourself out there. Feel proud. Stand tall.

In life you win some and you lose some. This wasn’t your win, not today, but maybe tomorrow.

If you never put yourself out there you will always stay where you are. Embrace the vulnerability that comes with stepping out of your comfort zone for in that there is growth! That is where change happens! That is where we evolve as individuals.

Protecting ourselves from emotional pain is understandable. No one wants to feel it. But ask yourself, is trying to protect yourself from an unknown source of pain which could happen at any time by any one worth not pursuing happiness, love or achievements?

Yes you were rejected in the past.

Yes it hurt and upset you.

Yes you don’t want to repeat that.

But to see a rainbow there must first be rain.

Don’t hold back from pursuing your dreams because you’ve been rejected in the past. It could happen again. It will happen again. But that’s ok because it’s part of life. You feel the pain, dust yourself down and try again.

You’ve got this! Keep trying.


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Written by Julia Donald at Cognitive Vitality Psychotherapy in Inverness.